Waduh binun hrs drmn u/ memulai cerita ini...
Dimulai dpagi hr Dee (Marly) memulai aktifitas rutin setelah beres2...nyalain kompi dan mulai u/ membuka dunia maya...OL (on line) dbilangan YM (yahoomessanger)...
ketika Dee On...ada ID ade_prayitna nongol, yah seperti biasa jari ini bergerak u/ menyetujui ID tersebut u/ dterima...setelah ntu Dee kenalan ama Ade (mas Godel >> his nickname)
yg Dee ketahui tentank mas Ade ini...hmmm....orank-na mau blajar apa aj...yah walau miskin yang pentink sombonk ntu salah satu motto/prinsip dia, yg gw ketahui c gt...klo ngobrol asyik...cukup banyak yg dketahui dia akan dunia maya...palagi maya tetangga-na dia palink tau (ckakakakakakaka)...
nah mulai dari perkenalan ama mas Ade...suatu hari
Dari konpress di malam ntu Dee juga mengenal yg bernama HAstriZa FArdani Reza BAtAN (Reza >> his nickname)...jujur klo dia mulai angkat suara...wuaaaahh dari A-Z ga ada tanda baca...udah gt anak-na easy goink...palink suka share info apa aj...klo berita dTV cuma brp jam doank...taPiii klo Reza bisa berJam-jam...ngasi info...hufff...tapi ntu-lah aksyik-na ddunia maya...hihi...yah maklum disaat ntu kita b-3 udah mulai mengenal satu sama lain dan disaat yg bersamaan ntu juga...bang Kendi muncul...ni dia palink tuir di antara qt2 tapi jiwa muda yg penuh smangat...soal seni dia jago-na (emank ayam kalee), tapii soal percintaan kurank ahli dbandink mas Ade ato Reza...hihi...(mangap bang...), dan dari situlah...kita serink OL bersama kurank lebih ampe satu bulan lebih...baru nongol nih underwear eh under_red_line alias Afik dari Aceh...huff nih dia gokil iya...easy goink...suple (bukan waple ya)...udah gt adventurer pula...wuih...
Di antara qt b-5 pula (mas Godel, Reza n' gw) pernah juga u/ kopi darat bersama di salah satu acara yg lumayan heboh di awal krisis rupiah...tepat-na dPameran Komputer JHCC...Jakarta...yah walau sebentar sekali obrolan qt, Dee sendiri merasa seperti mengenal mereka dekat sekali...oleh perasaan pertemanan, sahabat dan moga-moga aj menuju kpd kekeluargaan ntu-lah...maka terbentuklah KONGKO komunity (civitas) ini...
Beranjak dr OL, ngobrol, sharink, dan lain2-na...yah bisa di liat sifat satu ama lain...kita b-5 memutuskan u/ membuat satu kelompok komunitas yg menamakan diri KONGKO...yang arti KONGKO ntu ndiri ...bisa diliat dFS : kongko.08@gmail.com.
..other side story...(by Afik)
Wah2.. ternyata ane anak paling baru neh hehee...
Terus terang, klo gw pertama kenal itu ama Godel.. hee..(jadi yang pertama juga dia..:D) Godel sendiri jumpa d mailinglist ilmu komputer.. yaa.. otomatis arah pembicaraan kita g jauh2 ama komputer dan pernak-perniknya lah... kaya
Setelah itu.. karena Godel juga ga sombong..(kasi lagi dah), maka ikut lah ke konferens juga.. nah di situ jumpa ama
Nah ga' lama
this room tempat kita kumpul kumpul bareng, lo bisa curhat, sharing tapi yg pasti kita saling berbagi
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Label: Anggota
does any body know about jason mraz.
with the pupolar song,, im your..
this the album, come on download its free..
jason mrazz
Label: musik
Architecture, design, and media professionals all over the world are using Google SketchUp to create detailed 3D models efficiently and quickly. In Google SketchUp Essential Training, design expert George Maestri teaches the foundations of SketchUp?s drawing, design, and rendering tools. He covers the fundamentals of the application, the interface, and the Sandbox extension, which is used to create realistic organic shapes and terrain. George also discusses how to model and texture objects from existing photographs and export models to Google Earth to visualize how buildings fit in a real landscape. Exercise files accompany the course.
Released on: 11/21/2008
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Exercise Files
Table of contents
IntroductionIntroduction 1:41 4.5 MB
Installing SketchUp 1:31 1.4 MB
Tips for Mac users 2:32 2.5 MB
1. The SketchUp InterfaceInterface basics 5:54 4.6 MB
Navigating in SketchUp 3:28 12 MB
Walking around in SketchUp 4:21 11.1 MB
Creating camera views 4:36 8.3 MB
Shading faces and edges 6:44 23.9 MB
Creating shadows and fog 4:35 6.7 MB
Creating scenes 2:24 6.3 MB
Selecting and moving objects 6:45 11.3 MB
Scaling and rotating objects 4:14 8.3 MB
Manipulating faces and edges 3:55 7.3 MB
Advanced selection tools 4:26 8.2 MB
2. Drawing in SketchUpLine tool fundamentals 5:25 6.2 MB
Using the Line tool for 3D drawing 4:50 8.2 MB
Using the Rectangle tool 4:55 5.5 MB
Creating circles and polygons 3:33 3.3 MB
Creating arcs 3:46 3.7 MB
Pushing and pulling faces into 3D 8:11 12.4 MB
Using the Offset tool to create outlines 6:14 10.6 MB
Using the Follow Me tool 3:49 6.7 MB
Creating text 2:44 3.9 MB
Softening round edges 4:19 9.3 MB
Using construction tools to create guides 4:49 6 MB
Creating sections 1:31 3.6 MB
3. Organizing ScenesGrouping objects 4:54 11.7 MB
Creating components 6:37 13.3 MB
The Component window 5:51 7.3 MB
Working with layers 4:26 6.3 MB
Creating layers 4:31 6.8 MB
Using the Outliner 6:29 9.4 MB
Hiding and unhiding objects 4:22 7.5 MB
Locking and unlocking objects 1:44 2.1 MB
4. Creating Textures and MaterialsUsing the Materials palette on a Mac 1:50 2.4 MB
Applying materials 4:25 13.8 MB
Editing materials 4:22 10.9 MB
Creating materials 2:21 4.5 MB
Mapping images 3:39 8.1 MB
Applying bitmap images 2:21 3.6 MB
Mapping curved objects 4:13 8.3 MB
Projecting maps on curved objects 2:54 5 MB
5. Rendering and AnimationApplying styles 3:07 6.3 MB
Creating styles 6:57 15 MB
Outputting 2D bitmaps 3:51 6.8 MB
Basic animation 4:33 26.1 MB
Advanced animation 7:58 14.8 MB
6. Creating Terrain Using SandboxContours 6:15 11.6 MB
Creating terrain from scratch 2:56 3.8 MB
Sculpting with the Smoove tool 2:21 5.5 MB
Stamping and draping objects on terrain 5:54 21.3 MB
7. Photo Match and Google EarthUsing Photo Match to align cameras 6:56 16.4 MB
Modeling in Photo Match 5:54 10.1 MB
Exporting models to Google Earth 5:03 12.6 MB
ConclusionGoodbye 0:15 0.3 MB
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/170380936/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380973/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380986/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380998/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part4.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380977/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part5.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170381036/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part6.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380921/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part7.rar |
mode. . M-G
Label: software