Waduh binun hrs drmn u/ memulai cerita ini...
Dimulai dpagi hr Dee (Marly) memulai aktifitas rutin setelah beres2...nyalain kompi dan mulai u/ membuka dunia maya...OL (on line) dbilangan YM (yahoomessanger)...
ketika Dee On...ada ID ade_prayitna nongol, yah seperti biasa jari ini bergerak u/ menyetujui ID tersebut u/ dterima...setelah ntu Dee kenalan ama Ade (mas Godel >> his nickname)
yg Dee ketahui tentank mas Ade ini...hmmm....orank-na mau blajar apa aj...yah walau miskin yang pentink sombonk ntu salah satu motto/prinsip dia, yg gw ketahui c gt...klo ngobrol asyik...cukup banyak yg dketahui dia akan dunia maya...palagi maya tetangga-na dia palink tau (ckakakakakakaka)...
nah mulai dari perkenalan ama mas Ade...suatu hari
Dari konpress di malam ntu Dee juga mengenal yg bernama HAstriZa FArdani Reza BAtAN (Reza >> his nickname)...jujur klo dia mulai angkat suara...wuaaaahh dari A-Z ga ada tanda baca...udah gt anak-na easy goink...palink suka share info apa aj...klo berita dTV cuma brp jam doank...taPiii klo Reza bisa berJam-jam...ngasi info...hufff...tapi ntu-lah aksyik-na ddunia maya...hihi...yah maklum disaat ntu kita b-3 udah mulai mengenal satu sama lain dan disaat yg bersamaan ntu juga...bang Kendi muncul...ni dia palink tuir di antara qt2 tapi jiwa muda yg penuh smangat...soal seni dia jago-na (emank ayam kalee), tapii soal percintaan kurank ahli dbandink mas Ade ato Reza...hihi...(mangap bang...), dan dari situlah...kita serink OL bersama kurank lebih ampe satu bulan lebih...baru nongol nih underwear eh under_red_line alias Afik dari Aceh...huff nih dia gokil iya...easy goink...suple (bukan waple ya)...udah gt adventurer pula...wuih...
Di antara qt b-5 pula (mas Godel, Reza n' gw) pernah juga u/ kopi darat bersama di salah satu acara yg lumayan heboh di awal krisis rupiah...tepat-na dPameran Komputer JHCC...Jakarta...yah walau sebentar sekali obrolan qt, Dee sendiri merasa seperti mengenal mereka dekat sekali...oleh perasaan pertemanan, sahabat dan moga-moga aj menuju kpd kekeluargaan ntu-lah...maka terbentuklah KONGKO komunity (civitas) ini...
Beranjak dr OL, ngobrol, sharink, dan lain2-na...yah bisa di liat sifat satu ama lain...kita b-5 memutuskan u/ membuat satu kelompok komunitas yg menamakan diri KONGKO...yang arti KONGKO ntu ndiri ...bisa diliat dFS : kongko.08@gmail.com.
..other side story...(by Afik)
Wah2.. ternyata ane anak paling baru neh hehee...
Terus terang, klo gw pertama kenal itu ama Godel.. hee..(jadi yang pertama juga dia..:D) Godel sendiri jumpa d mailinglist ilmu komputer.. yaa.. otomatis arah pembicaraan kita g jauh2 ama komputer dan pernak-perniknya lah... kaya
Setelah itu.. karena Godel juga ga sombong..(kasi lagi dah), maka ikut lah ke konferens juga.. nah di situ jumpa ama
Nah ga' lama
this room tempat kita kumpul kumpul bareng, lo bisa curhat, sharing tapi yg pasti kita saling berbagi
- Anggota (3)
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- free tiket (1)
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Blog Archive
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Label: Anggota
does any body know about jason mraz.
with the pupolar song,, im your..
this the album, come on download its free..
jason mrazz
Label: musik
Architecture, design, and media professionals all over the world are using Google SketchUp to create detailed 3D models efficiently and quickly. In Google SketchUp Essential Training, design expert George Maestri teaches the foundations of SketchUp?s drawing, design, and rendering tools. He covers the fundamentals of the application, the interface, and the Sandbox extension, which is used to create realistic organic shapes and terrain. George also discusses how to model and texture objects from existing photographs and export models to Google Earth to visualize how buildings fit in a real landscape. Exercise files accompany the course.
Released on: 11/21/2008
Start Learning Now
Our free movies below will get you started (QuickTime® required).
Get immediate access to the entire lynda.com Online Training Library®!
Exercise Files
Table of contents
IntroductionIntroduction 1:41 4.5 MB
Installing SketchUp 1:31 1.4 MB
Tips for Mac users 2:32 2.5 MB
1. The SketchUp InterfaceInterface basics 5:54 4.6 MB
Navigating in SketchUp 3:28 12 MB
Walking around in SketchUp 4:21 11.1 MB
Creating camera views 4:36 8.3 MB
Shading faces and edges 6:44 23.9 MB
Creating shadows and fog 4:35 6.7 MB
Creating scenes 2:24 6.3 MB
Selecting and moving objects 6:45 11.3 MB
Scaling and rotating objects 4:14 8.3 MB
Manipulating faces and edges 3:55 7.3 MB
Advanced selection tools 4:26 8.2 MB
2. Drawing in SketchUpLine tool fundamentals 5:25 6.2 MB
Using the Line tool for 3D drawing 4:50 8.2 MB
Using the Rectangle tool 4:55 5.5 MB
Creating circles and polygons 3:33 3.3 MB
Creating arcs 3:46 3.7 MB
Pushing and pulling faces into 3D 8:11 12.4 MB
Using the Offset tool to create outlines 6:14 10.6 MB
Using the Follow Me tool 3:49 6.7 MB
Creating text 2:44 3.9 MB
Softening round edges 4:19 9.3 MB
Using construction tools to create guides 4:49 6 MB
Creating sections 1:31 3.6 MB
3. Organizing ScenesGrouping objects 4:54 11.7 MB
Creating components 6:37 13.3 MB
The Component window 5:51 7.3 MB
Working with layers 4:26 6.3 MB
Creating layers 4:31 6.8 MB
Using the Outliner 6:29 9.4 MB
Hiding and unhiding objects 4:22 7.5 MB
Locking and unlocking objects 1:44 2.1 MB
4. Creating Textures and MaterialsUsing the Materials palette on a Mac 1:50 2.4 MB
Applying materials 4:25 13.8 MB
Editing materials 4:22 10.9 MB
Creating materials 2:21 4.5 MB
Mapping images 3:39 8.1 MB
Applying bitmap images 2:21 3.6 MB
Mapping curved objects 4:13 8.3 MB
Projecting maps on curved objects 2:54 5 MB
5. Rendering and AnimationApplying styles 3:07 6.3 MB
Creating styles 6:57 15 MB
Outputting 2D bitmaps 3:51 6.8 MB
Basic animation 4:33 26.1 MB
Advanced animation 7:58 14.8 MB
6. Creating Terrain Using SandboxContours 6:15 11.6 MB
Creating terrain from scratch 2:56 3.8 MB
Sculpting with the Smoove tool 2:21 5.5 MB
Stamping and draping objects on terrain 5:54 21.3 MB
7. Photo Match and Google EarthUsing Photo Match to align cameras 6:56 16.4 MB
Modeling in Photo Match 5:54 10.1 MB
Exporting models to Google Earth 5:03 12.6 MB
ConclusionGoodbye 0:15 0.3 MB
![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
![]() | Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/170380936/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380973/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380986/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380998/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part4.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380977/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part5.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170381036/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part6.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/170380921/LiP-Linda_-_Google_SketchUp.part7.rar |
mode. . M-G
Label: software
- Atmosphere
- Burning With My Fire
- Under The Moonshine
- Lagu Urbah (Feat. Ipung, Ngupi, …)
- Trully Kawan
- Sun Of A Beach
- Selamat Jalan Kawan
- Gud Vibes (Feat. Ipang)
- C’mon
- Gudbye Anjing
- B.B.M
- Hingga Ku Jenuh
- Lagu Santai
musiknya asik2 bikin santai dan rileks... bahasa yang simple dan mudah d mengerti, sedikit mengankat soal perasaan tapi tetap ngak buat rambut gimbal jadi lurus.... so.. lansung aja coba dengar.. tp sebaiknya kita beli aslinya.. dukung juga band lokal yang kretaif kaya gini hii.. jelasnya gw ngak jual.. cari aja sendiri...
Label: musik

Adobe CS4 Master Collection Multilanguage - 5 DVDs | 17.1 GB
The packet Of creative Of suite of 4 Master Of collection is included:
- InDesign CS4
- Photoshop CS4 Of extended
- Illustrator CS4
- Acrobat of 9 Pro
- Flash CS4 Of professional
- Dreamweaver CS4
- Fireworks CS4
- Contribute CS4
- After Of effects CS4
- Adobe Of premiere Of pro CS4
- Soundbooth CS4
- Adobe Of onLocation CS4
- Encore CS4
- Adobe Of bridge CS4
- Adobe Of device Of central CS4
- Dynamic Of link
- Version Of cue CS4
System of requirements (Windows):
- 2GHz or of faster of processor of for DV; 3.4GHz of for HDV; dual of 2.8GHz of for HD*
- Microsoft Windows XP of with Of service Of pack 2 (Service Of pack of 3 recommended) or Windows Of vista Of home Of premium, Business,
Ultimate, or Enterprise of with Of service Of pack 1 (certified of for of 32-bit Windows XP and Windows Of vista of)
- 2GB of OF RAM (more RAM of recommended of when of running of multiple of components)
- 24.3GB of of available of hard-disk of space of for of installation; additional of free of space of required of during of installation (cannot of install on
of flash-based of storage of devices)
- 1,280x900 of display of with Of openGL of 2.0-compatible of graphics of card
- Some Of gPU-accelerated of features of require of graphics of support of for Of shader Of model 3.0
- Dedicated 7200 RPM of hard of drive of for DV and HDV of editing; striped of disk of array of storage (RAID 0) of for HD; SCSI of disk of subsystem
of preferred
- For SD/HD of workflows, an Adobe-certified of card of for of capture and export to of tape
- OHCI-compatible IEEE of 1394 port of for DV and HDV of capture, export to of tape, and transmit to DV of device
- DVD-ROM of drive (DVD+- R of burner of required of for DVD of creation)
- Blu-ray of burner of required of for Of blu-ray of disc of creation
- Microsoft Windows Of driver Of model- or Of aSIO-compatible of sound of card
- QuickTime of 7.4.5 software of required of for Of quickTime and multimedia of features
- Broadband Of internet of connection of required of for of online of services
01-04 DVD - Application
05 DVD - Content
Download: (Size: 17.1 GB)
Label: software
It converts bitmap (aka raster) images into vector images through an easy-to-use web interface - just upload your image and it will guide you through the process. The conversion process as such is called tracing or vectorization and is something that has historically been done mostly by hand. An automated tool like the Vector Magic web service can make this otherwise tedious task quick and painless.
How is Vector Magic different?
Vector Magic is different from other auto-tracing tools in several ways:
* Better accuracy. If you compare results from other tools side-by-side with those from Vector Magic, you will notice that Vector Magic produces vectors that more closely resemble the input image. Finer details in the shapes are recovered, and the curves are more faithful to the bitmap original.
* Less cleanup required. Vector Magic's results have less noise, while still extracting more detail from the bitmap original. Normally you'd have to spend half an hour or more cleaning up the output from an auto-tracer - with Vector Magic you can oftentimes use the result right away, and if it requires cleanup then it's usually much less than what's required for the results from the competing tools.
*Easier user interface with less trial-and-error. If you've used other tracing tools, you have probably noticed that they have tons of confusing options and settings, and require you to more or less randomly try different combinations of these in the frustrating search for a passable result.
With Vector Magic on the other hand, all you need to do is answer a couple of simple questions and that's it. In case you're not satisfied with the result, there is even a troubleshooting guide to help you resolve the problem - again phrased as simple questions, not confusing options with unclear effects.
Vector Magic saves you time and frustration, while giving you better results.
Why use vector images?
The difference between bitmap/raster images and vector images is that the former are described by pixels - squares of color - while the latter are described by shapes - a mathematical description of the image that can be scaled without becoming blurry or "pixelated" (that blocky look that bitmap/raster images so often get when scaled up).
Vector images are used in most aspects of graphic design and are the preferred format for printing, both on paper and on clothes. The reason for this is that while a bitmap/raster image can look great on the screen, which usually has a resolution of about 72 pixels/dots per inch (DPI), it will normally have to be scaled by a factor of 8 or more when printed since modern printers routinely produce resolutions of 600 pixels/dots per inch. Vector images can handle this type of scaling without any problems while bitmap/raster images struggle with it.
Vector images are also used on the web in for example flash animations.
Label: software
authors for over 6 years! With three editing mode options: visual editing (also known as WYSIWYG), code
editing (HTML, CSS and PHP) and split-screen preview and code editing functionality - it's like having three
HTML editors in one! Unlike many other HTML editors, the BestAddress HTML Editor even includes DigitalAccess
FTP, so you can upload your files to the Web without needing to buy additional FTP software.
Design, upload and maintain your website with a huge range of easy to use functions, tutorials for beginners,
free updates, integrated technical support contact capabilities, a dedicated Customer Benefits program and much
more. With over 70 major features, many of which aren't found in other HTML editors, it's no surprise why the
Best Address HTML Editor is the number one Web editing software choice for beginners and experts alike!
Features include:
Three HTML editors in one: visual editing (WYSIWYG - meaning "What You See Is What You Get"), code mode, and
split-screen code and live preview.
Templates included
HTML tutorials included for beginners
Free technical support - even from within the software itself
DigitalAccessTM FTP software included for uploading your website's files
Site project capabilities
Spell checking
DHTML menu editor
HTML code syntax checking
Ability to open and save directly from the Web
Image map editing
Source code securing: helps prevent unauthorised code and design copying
Mange tasks you need to complete with the to-do list
Comprehensive help
Regular software updates: we strive to provide our customers with more features than other HTML editors offer.
We release regular free updates to give you access to the latest features.
And over 70 other major features, many unique and not found in other HTML editors!

Label: software
If you want to give yourself a Web presence without spending a lot of time or money, a blog is your answer and this is your guide. Blogs (Web logs) are short, diary-like entries on a Web site that has a chronological, journal format. Fun or informative, but not formal, blogs are easy to set up, maintain, and update. You can share your personal, stream-of-consciousness musings or your expertise on any subject ranging from your family vacation to world peace. This guide helps beginners (even technophobes) get started fast, with the essential info on:
* The elements of blogs, such as entries, sidebars, categories, comments, and index pages
* The different types of hosting services, from free to fee and from “turn key” services that are easy-to-use to DIY programs
* Details on two popular, free “social community” hosted Web services that are ideal for casual bloggers—MSN Spaces and Yahoo! 360
* The scoop on Blogger, a popular free hosted service that has some community tools like the social networks, but is basically blog-intensive
* DIY blogging, covering three of the most powerful and flexible blog programs—Movable Type, WordPress, and Radio Userland
* Hooking into RSS feeds to distribute your blog entries beyond your site
* Choosing a newsreader
* Ways to raise the visibility of your blog and make money from blogging
Complete with step-by-step instructions and lots of screen shots, this guide walks you through everything from setting up your blog and posting your first entry to adding photos, audio, and more. It includes the URLs of lots of sample sites to see to give you an idea of blog possibilities. In addition to the essential how-to, it fills you in on:
* The blogosphere, blog culture and etiquette, snarks, macrologues, and more
* Moblogs that let you post entries remotely using your portable computer, PDA, or cell phone
* Buying a domain through a registrar such as Network Solutions, Register.com, or Go Daddy
* MP3 blogs, vlogs (videoblogs), photoblogging, audioblogging, podcasting, and more
You know you have something to say, whether it’s heavy stuff or just your thought for the day. Make your opinions known. Get your photos shown. With Blogging For Dummies, you’ll soon be blogging with the best of ‘em.
Label: ebooks
untuk beli satu coin Rp 500. dan biasanya gue main gak cukup kalo cuma 10 coin,
dan.. klo teman ada yang mo coba main silahkan aja download disini, free lhoo.
Label: Game-game
even formula A1 berlokasi di Lippo karawaci, tangerang dari hari jumat sd hari minggu,
mungkin ada teman yg mo kesana, ini ada free pass untuk anda yg mau kesana, lumayan untuk melihat even nya walaupun hanya festival..
kalo gak salah untuk tiket masuk anda dapat menukarkan Rp 250.00 dengan pass masuk,
nah klo mo gratis silahkan download nech, dan langsung di print, pake photoshop oke??
free tiket, untuk lihat, lo bisa download disini..
Label: free tiket
Camfrog Video Chat allows you to join real streaming video chat rooms where you can hear, see, and chat with many people at a time. Instant message a user to get to know them before you Webcam chat, and add them to your contact list.
This videoconferencing software also works behind most firewalls and routers. Camfrog Video Chat allows multi-user videoconferencing where you can join a room with up to 1000 users and just click a user name to begin seeing someone. Press the 'talk' button to talk to the entire room with audio. The video chat rooms are hosted by broadband users who are running the Camfrog Video Chat Room Server software so any user can set up their own multi-user videoconference for other users to join. No Webcam is required to see people, but some rooms might not allow users without Webcams. Camfrog Video Chat is optimized for broadband users so it has fast video.
Label: software
Nero 9 is the next generation of the world’s most trusted integrated digital media and home entertainment software suite. It features new cutting-edge functionality that makes enjoying digital media content simple.
This easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want – music, video, photo, and data – enjoy and share with family and friends anytime, anywhere.
With easy-to-use Nero StartSmart command center, your digital life has never been more flexible, feasible, and fun.
- Fast and easy rip, burn, Autobackup, and copy functions
- Backup files to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs*
- Create professional-looking DVD movies with integrated 3D menus
- Copy, burn, share, upload, and create music mixes like a DJ
- Convert music, photos, and DVDs to play on your iPod® and other mobile devices
- Quick photo and video upload to My Nero, YouTube™, and MySpace
- Watch, record, pause, and customize your live TV experience
- Play AVCHD and other HD formats
Included Features:
- Nero Burning ROM
- Nero Express
- Nero DiscSpeed
- Nero DriveSpeed
- Nero InfoTool
- Nero RescueAgent
- ControlCenter
Nero 9 - Lite Edition
Label: image
Product Description * Targets beginning to intermediate Excel users seeking real-world examples of how they can use Excel�s powerful built-in functions * Shows readers how to use Excel functions in formulas to help them decide between buying and leasing a car, calculate mortgage costs, compute grades, evaluate investment performance, figure college expenses, and more * Gives explanations and examples of real-world situations * Provides an abbreviated discussion of an additional 200 functions * Excel commands nearly 90 percent of the market for spreadsheet applications; although this book is written for Excel 2003, the functions described are in earlier versions as well .
Pass: www.warezwitch.com
Label: ebooks
Marilyn Cooper is one of those mothers--the kind who'll call at 6:30 in the morning, or tell embarrassing stories about her son Noah to complete strangers. When she suspects her husband is having an affair, she decides it's time to "take a break," and shows up on Noah's doorstep with bags and five foster dogs in tow. Already having lost his job, hosting an unwelcome houseguest on his couch, and facing pressure from his wife Clare to start a family despite his fears of inadequacy, Noah now finds the mother he's always kept at a distance just a room away. He soon starts to realize that if he wants to stand up to the problems in his life, he'll have to stand up to his mother.
Label: Movie/Film
When his father's body is stolen from its grave, Afro takes up his sword again to tear through an army of deadly foes led by a sadistic leader.
Label: Movie/Film
When country-girl Daisy Brookes heads off to college, she finds herself thrust into a clique of young femme fatales known as Ivy Society. These Lolitas may appear harmless, but they have a grisly past that includes murder; and when Daisy refuses to join them, she may be next. With even the dean among their ranks, Daisy's only hope for survival is to put an end to these bad girls' treachery before she becomes one more victim. This loose sequel to the POISON IVY films bears closer resemblance to CRUEL INTENTIONS than its ostensible predecessors.
Download :
Label: Movie/Film
Artis : Tony Q Rastafara
Title : Anak Kampung
Aku anak kampung
Mencoba hidup dikota
Mencari harapan
Sinar terang masa depan
Karna lahan-lahan
Dikampung mulai menghilang
Digantikan bangunan
Entah milik siapa..?
Mengapa ini terjadi
Bahkan satwa, hutan, sawah
Semakin berkurang
Dikotori oleh
Tangan-tangan serakah
Mengapa ini terjadi
Aku anak kampung
Bertahan di tanah rantau
Karna lahan-lahan
Dikampung mulai menghilang
Digantikan bangunan
Entah milik siapa..?
Bahkan satwa, hutan, sawah
Semakin berkurang
Dijamahi oleh
Tangan-tangan tamak
Mengapa ini terjadi
Kenapa ini terjadi
Aku Anak kampung
Bertahan di tanah rantau
Jangan Salahkan aku
Berjuang demi kehidupan
Aku Anak kampung
Mencoba hidup di kota
Mencari harapan
sinar terang masa depan
Label: musik
The basic principles of blues piano explained for the intermediate-level pianist in an easy-to-grasp fashion.
If you can play a little piano say grade 2 or 3 and like the blues you will get a lot out of this book. Beautifully presented with pictures of the masters and different types of blues, takes a slow and easy progression from very basic triads to simple but really terrific sounding stuff to the more complex stuff. He encourges you to experiment and improvise and truely teaches ways to do this. Happily for my nieghbours I have headphones on my piano! CD has all the music on it with some different versions in triplet feel etc. Richards is a performer and teaches at a London music college. Certainly helped me. If you want to learn the blues this is really nice book. The book has its own web site so hunt around. Allows you to download a very nice blues and the sheet music to it.
I've bought several other blues piano books over the years, and in my opinion this one outclasses them all. The pieces sound great, and the pacing of the material is fantastic. The book does a great job of slowly introducing the idea of improvisation, by encouraging mixing and matching ideas from the different pieces. It also goes into ideas like horizontal and vertical improvisation without making it too intimidating, and introduces some blues "cliche" endings and turnarounds. It covers many different styles from barrelhouse to stride to jazz blues.
The included CD lets you know how this stuff is really supposed to sound, and it's got a full "Recommended Listening" in an appendix if you want to explore further. All around one of the best instructional musical texts I've seen.
Label: musik
Fren semua kali ini aku sedang menuggu pelanggan taxi, tapi apa daya nech. ..
belum ada jugaa yang datang terpaksa harus menunggu, sambil menunggu aku foto2 dulu akh, enjoy aja akh. . .
(foto taken at KIDZania) semanggi
acara gathering POMG AL HUSNA Bekasi
Label: info
InDesign CS3 For Dummies © by For Dummies
The type of the release is: eBook
In the PDF format with ISBN: 0470118652 and Pub Date: April 30, 2007
The size of the release is: 03 disks x 2.88mb
And released on: 08/09/2007
Packed with the latest InDesign tips and techniques The secrets of
InDesign page layout - explained in plain English!
New to InDesign? Making the switch from QuarkXPress?? No worries - this
easy-to-follow guide shows you how to master this electronic publishing
tool, customize the interface, work with objects and graphics, calibrate
color, create PDF files, and more. From pages, panels, and pictures to
text, tabs, and tables, you'll design and output like a pro every time!
- Set up a new publication
- Create and use master pages
- Add frames, lines, and colors
- Manage chapters and books
- Output your files
download code :
by :m_g to all of you
Label: ebooks
Hacking Windows Xp Books
Get ready for some down-and-dirty hackin'! Over 200 serious hacks readers can use to force Windows XP to do it their way, written in the ExtremeTech no-holds-barred style.
Product Description
-Sinchak doesn't waste time tweaking Movie Maker or Instant Messenger-these hacks are heavy-duty, detailed instructions for squeezing every drop of power from Windows XP and maximizing speed, appearance, and security
-Not for the faint of heart! This book is written for users who aren't afraid to roll up their sleeves, risk voiding their warranties, take total control of the task bar, uninstall programs that are supposedly permanent, and beef up boot speed
-Mines gems like unlocking hidden settings, customizing boot screens, supercharging online and program launch speed, maximizing the file system and RAM, and dumping hated features for good-Written by the creator of TweakXP.com, a site considered Mecca for Windows hackers and trusted by more than ten million Windows XP users worldwide.
download 12 mb
by : m_g
Label: info

film yang dirilis tahun 2005 dan dibintangi oleh sederetan bintang papan atas seperti Matt Dillon, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, dan Brendan Fraser ini dan berhasil menyabet 3 penghargaan Academy Awards untuk kategori Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, dan Best Editing. wow..
salah satu adegan dalam film ini yang menarik adalah dimana saat salah seorang yang mencuri mobil untuk di jualkan, namun ternyata di dalam mobil van tersebut terdapat orang2 cina yang dia tidak tau asalanya.. melihat keadaan ini si penadah menawarkan untuk tidak membeli mobil, namun membayar mahal untuk setiap orang yang ada di dalam mobil tersebut dan dapat dijual kembali... sipencuri yang sebelumnya terselamatkan jiwanya oleh pemilik mobil SUV yang menjati target curiannya akhirnya memutuskan untuk melepaskan orang2 yang berada dalam mobil van tersebut, bahkan memberi mereka sedikit uang..
Label: Movie/Film
Ketulusan menempati peringkat pertama sebagai sifat yang paling disukai oleh semua orang. Ketulusan membuat orang lain merasa aman dan dihargai karena yakin tidak akan dibodohi atau dibohongi.
Kerendahan Hati
Berbeda dengan rendah diri yang merupakan kelemahan, kerendah hatian justru mengungkapkan kekuatan. Hanya orang yang kuat jiwanya yang bisa bersikap rendah hati. Ia seperti padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Orang yang rendah hati bisa mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan orang lain.
Kesetiaan sudah menjadi barang langka & sangat tinggi harganya.
Positive Thinking
Orang yang bersikap positif (positive thinking) selalu berusaha melihat segala sesuatu dari kacamata positif, bahkan dalam situasi yang buruk sekalipun. Dia lebih suka membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan orang lain, lebih suka bicara mengenai harapan daripada keputusasaan, lebih suka mencari solusi daripada frustasi, lebih suka memuji daripada mengecam, dan sebagainya.
Karena tidak semua orang dikaruniai temperamen ceria, maka keceriaan tidak harus diartikan ekspresi wajah dan tubuh tapi sikap hati. Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang bisa menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan. Dia bisa mentertawakan situasi, orang lain, juga dirinya sendiri. Dia punya potensi untuk menghibur dan mendorong semangat orang lain.
Bertanggung jawab
Orang yang bertanggung jawab akan melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kalau melakukan kesalahan, dia berani mengakuinya. Ketika mengalami kegagalan, dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan. Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati, dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun. Dia menyadari bahwa dirinya sendirilah yang bertanggung jawab atas apapun yang dialami dan dirasakannya.
Percaya Diri
Rasa percaya diri memungkinkan seseorang menerima dirinya sebagaimana adanya, menghargai dirinya dan menghargai orang lain. Orang yang percaya diri mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan dan situasi yang baru. Dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya dan melakukannya dengan baik.
Kebesaran Jiwa
Kebesaran jiwa dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang memaafkan orang lain.
Orang yang berjiwa besar tidak membiarkan dirinya dikuasai oleh rasa benci dan permusuhan. Ketika menghadapi masa- masa sukar dia tetap tegar, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan.
Easy Going
Orang yang easy going menganggap hidup ini ringan. Dia tidak suka membesar-besarkan masalah kecil. Bahkan berusaha mengecilkan masalah-masalah besar. Dia tidak suka mengungkit masa lalu dan tidak mau khawatir dengan masa depan. Dia tidak mau pusing dan stress dengan masalah-masalah yang berada di luar kontrolnya.
Empati adalah sifat yang sangat mengagumkan. Orang yang berempati bukan saja pendengar yang baik tapi juga bisa menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain. Ketika terjadi konflik dia selalu mencari jalan keluar terbaik bagi kedua belah pihak, tidak suka memaksakan pendapat dan kehendaknya sendiri. Dia selalu berusaha memahami dan mengerti orang lain.
dari info yg tepercaya
[...by ^_^ dee...]
Label: info
The Gank, terdiri dari Rama (Dimas), Dika (Harry Tjan) serta Jodi (Ricky) sama-sama memiliki satu obsesi, yakni merasakan nikmatnya seks tanpa 'risiko'. Tanpa resiko hamil, harus kawin, kepergok dan dihakimi warga, bahkan harus momong anak. Mereka sepakat cara termudah, adalah Kawin Kontrak. Dengan bantuan Kang Sono (Lukman Sardi), yang merupakan perantara urusan kawin kontrak, mereka akhirnya melakukan kawin kontrak di depan penghulu Pak Aan (Unang) dan Bu Aan (Mieke Amalia) yang juga menjalankan bisnis penginapan dan penyediaan surat nikah.
Jody yang terobsesi dengan perempuan lebih tua (Grantophilia) kawin kontrak dengan Teh Euis (Wiwid), janda kembang beranak satu. Dika yang cenderung suka kekerasan (Masochist) memilih kawin kontrak dengan Rani (Masayu), yang lihai menggebuk kasur. Rama, si playboy pemilih justru jatuh cinta dari pandangan pertama dengan kecantikan Isa (Dinda Kanya) yang natural. Kawin kontrak yang inginnya dijadikan sebagai jalan keluar justru menjadi awal dari petualangan libido yang penuh kelucuan dan kejutan bagi sang tiga jagoan dalam perjuangannya menaklukkan cewek idaman mereka.
KaWin KoNtrak-1
KaWin KoNtrak-2
KaWin KoNtrak-3
KaWin KoNtrak-4
KaWin KoNtrak-5
KaWin KoNtrak-6
KaWin KoNtrak-1
KaWin KoNtrak-2
KaWin KoNtrak-3
KaWin KoNtrak-4
KaWin KoNtrak-5
Label: Movie/Film
kalo saya jadi laut, kamu jadi ikan,
saya jadi kumbang kamu jadi bunga,
saya jadi matahari kamu jadi bumi, kalo saya jadi tarzan,
kamu mau jadi monyetnya?
Label: info
Jakarta kebanjiran di Bogor angin ngamuk
Rumah ane kebakaran gara-gara kompor mleduk
Ane jadi gemeteran, wara wiri keserimpet
Rumah ane kebanjiran gara-gara got mampet
Ati-ati kompor mleduk
Ate ane jadi dakdikduk (jatuh duduk)
Ayo-ayo bersihin got
Jangan takut pada blepot
Coba temen jangan ribut
jangan pade kalang kabut
Ini lagu yang mengkisahkan tentang kondisi jakarte saat ini, dan bang benyamin S telah jauh hari bikin nich lagu, emang dah jarang orang seperti dia, artis seniman serba bisa, dan taat ibadah juga lho.. nah ini sedikit cerita dari biografinya
Bang Ben, Si Penyanyi Serba Bisa
Benyamin Sueb (1939 - 1995) lahir di Kemayoran, 5 Maret 1939. Benyamin Sueb memang sosok panutan. Kesuksesan di dunia musik dan film membuat namanya semakin melambung. Lebih dari 75 album musik dan 53 judul film yang ia bintangi adalah bukti keseriusannya di bidang hiburan tersebut.
Dalam dunia musik, Bang Ben (begitu ia kerap disapa) adalah seorang seniman yang berjasa dalam mengembangkan seni tradisional Betawi, khususnya kesenian Gambang Kromong. Lewat kesenian itu pula nama Benyamin semakin popular. Beliau menikah dengan Nonnie pada tahun 1959 (kemudian bercerai pada tanggal 7 Juli 1979 namun rujuk kembali pada tahun yang sama).
Tahun 1960, presiden pertama Indonesia, Soekarno, melarang diputarnya lagu-lagu asing di Indonesia. Pelarangan tersebut ternyata tidak menghambat karir musik Benyamin, malahan kebalikannya. Dengan kecerdikannya, Bang Ben menyuguhkan musik Gambang Kromong yang dipadu dengan unsur modern.
Kesuksesan dalam dunia musik diawali dengan bergabungnya Benyamin dengan satu grup Naga Mustika. Grup yang berdomisili di sekitar Cengkareng inilah yang kemudian mengantarkan nama Benyamin sebagai salah satu penyanyi terkenal di Indonesia.
Selain Benyamin, kelompok musik ini juga merekrut Ida Royani untuk berduet dengan Benyamin. Dalam perkembangannya, duet Benyamin dan Ida Royani menjadi duet penyanyi paling popular pada zamannya di Indonesia. Bahkan lagu-lagu yang mereka bawakan menjadi tenar dan meraih sukses besar. Sampai-sampai Lilis Suryani salah satu penyanyi yang terkenal saat itu tersaingi.
Label: musik
Hari ini aku mulai aktifitas dengan membuka my note book atau my PC, terserah lah yang mana yg aku punya tapi yang terpenting, minum dulu di pagi hari agar bisa menyegarkan tubuh kita ,
Biasanya every morning i always drinks tea,
but just tea celup, dan ditambah sedikit madu agar terasa lebih nikmat. dan klo ada teman nya yaitu gorengan, bisa pisang goreng, atau bakwan. yang penting bisa buat ganjal perut di pagi hari. .
hari ini aku mo cerita klo kita punya kebiasaan minum teh, gak perlu panjang dan lebar dech, di bawah ini saya uraikan manfaat dari minum teh, khususnya minum teh hijau
Kebiasaan minum teh, terutama teh hijau ternyata memiliki begitu banyak manfaat bagi tubuh kita.
Berikut ini adalah 27 macam manfaat teh hijau yang didasarkan pada berbagai hasil penelitian.
1. Dapat mencegah dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
2. Mencegah timbulnya kadar gula darah yang tinggi
3. Menurunkan kadar kolesterol
4. Menurunkan resiko terkena berbagai penyakit hati
5. Menurunkan resiko terkena stroke
6. Membantu tubuh dalam melawan virus (seperti virus influenza)
7. Dapat menghambat penurunan fungsi syaraf
8. Memperbaiki fungsi kognitif
9. Bermanfaat bagi kesehatan gusi
10. Mencegah sesak nafas
11. Mengurangi stress
12. Menghilangkan kelelahan dan keletihan
13. Mampu mencegah timbulnya penyakit kanker
14. Mampu mengendalikan pertumbuhan tumor
15. Membantu penyembuhan penyakit kanker
16. Membantu menurunkan berat badan
17. Mengurangi resiko timbulnya radang sendi dan reumatik
18. Berfungsi sebagai anti radang tenggorokan
19. Mencegah osteoforosis
20. Mencegah timbulnya alergi
21. Melindungi lever
22. Mencegah hepatitis
23. Membantu menghalangi penyebaran virus HIV
24. Mengurangi bahaya merokok
25. Memperlambat penuaan
26. Baik dikonsumsi untuk penderita diabetes
27. Mampu mencegah keracunan makanan
Sumber: www.nwipp-newspapers.com
Label: info